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Transport in Brno

Transport network of IDS JMK

Integrated transport system of the South Moravian Region (IDS JMK) includes the whole territory and all inhabitants of the South Moravian Region. In the area covered by IDS JMK, all passengers can use public transport under the same conditions derived from the Tariff and the Contractual transport conditions of IDS JMK. They can travel by all tram, trolley or bus connections included in IDS JMK and by all passenger and express trains in the railroad sections of the Czech Railroad included in the tariff of IDS JMK.

Tariff zones

The area of IDS JMK is divided into the so-called tariff zones. The core of the tariff system are the zones 100 and 101, which cover the territory of the city of Brno. Other zones are adjacent to them consisting usually of several municipalities or a large city. This solution makes travelling markedly more transparent and faster for the passengers, who can thus learn from the number of the zones they pass through exactly how much they are going to pay for any journey within the area of IDS JMK.

Numbering of the connections of IDS JMK

All connections of IDS JMK have their operational number. Most bus connections outside Brno have three digit numbers. Trams, trolleys and the buses operating within the territory of the city of Brno have just two digit numbers. The passenger can learn information about the given connection already from its number. If the number is smaller than 100, it is a connection operated above all within the territory of the city of Brno. If the number is between 150 and 200, it is a connection that connects important municipalities in the region. Connections with numbers 200 and more usually connect municipalities with regional centres.

Marks on the vehicles

All transport providers of IDS JMK observe norms determining what information must be stated on their vehicle, therefore passengers can aways find, on the same spot on a given vehicle, information about the number of the connection, route of the ride, stops, tariff and transport conditions. Trams, trolleys and buses must be obligatorily equipped, in the upper part of the front of the vehicle, with the label stating the number of the connection, route and the terminal stop. The same information must be placed on that side of the vehicle, where there are the door opening in the given direction of the ride. In the rear part of the vehicle there is a board with the number of the connection. At least the plan of the IDS JMK network, Contractual conditions and the Tariff IDS JMK must be posted inside the vehicle. The objective of the company KORDIS JMK is to continually improve the quality and the equipment of their vehicles. That is why many of the vehicles have non-obligatory above-standard equipment, such as electronic boards with the number of the connection and direction of the ride or even acoustic announcing of the stops.

Prices of fare in Brno: www.dpmb.cz