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Health insurance from SV insurance company

 Previously ERGO insurance


Medical insurance SVWhy do you have to be insured?

It is mandatory for all foreigners, who are not covered by the Czech public medical insurance and who are not EU citizens, whether the reason for the stay is study, work or starting a family, in order to obtain or extend a visa, it is necessary to have health insurance for foreigners within a defined range. 

The insurance is recognized by the Czech Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, department of asylum and migration policy, serves as proof of insurance for stays over 90 days pursuant of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the residency of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic, as amended.

Comprehensive health insurance accepted by Czech embassies worldwide!

The continual assistance service is provided by GLOBAL Assistance.

Product benefits

  • indemnity limit up to 400.000 EUR per event
  • nonstop assistance service
  • a growing network of collaborating medical facilities
  • validity of the insurance throughout Schengen at no extra charge with limit 80.000 EUR (applies only to the extent of necessary and urgent medical care)
  • special tariffs for pregnant women
  • fast online agreement from the comfort of home

New current prices valid from 1.9.2023

 Discounts for students aged from 16 – 26

Students health insurance for foreigners for the visa application.

Tarif Welcome - Complex

period of insurance
  current price after discount
4 months   4.860 CZK
5 months   6.075 CZK
6 months   7.290 CZK
7 months
  8.505 CZK
8 months   9.720 CZK
9 months   10.935 CZK
10 months   12.150 CZK
11 months   13.365 CZK
12 months   14.418 CZK
24 months
  27.234 CZK


Indenmnity limits
Total limit per one claim 400.000 EUR
Schengen area 80.000 EUR
Medical transport 400.000 EUR
Repatriation od remains 80.000 EUR
Dental care in case of injury 6.000 CZK
Other dental care 6.000 CZK
Outpatient prescription medication yes
Pregnancy care and delivery yes
Preventive care, vaccination yes
Treatment of illnesses curable with over-the-counter medicines yes


Price for individuals over 26 years of age. 

Health insurance for foreigners for the visa application. 

Tarif Welcome- Complex

period of insurance
standard price current price after discount
4 months 8.800 CZK 7.040 CZK
5 months 11.000 CZK 8.800 CZK
6 months 13.200 CZK 10.550 CZK
7 months
15.400 CZK 12.320 CZK
8 months 17.600 CZK 14.080 CZK
9 months 19.800 CZK 15.840 CZK
10 months 22.000 CZK 17.600 CZK
11 months 24.200 CZK 19.360 CZK
12 months 25.200 CZK 20.160 CZK
24 months
49.440 CZK 39.552 CZK


Indenmnity limits
Total limit per one claim 400.000 EUR
Schengen area 80.000 EUR
Medical transport 400.000 EUR
Repatriation od remains 80.000 EUR
Dental care in case of injury 6.000 CZK
Other dental care 6.000 CZK
Outpatient prescription medication yes
Pregnancy care and delivery yes
Preventive care, vaccination yes
Treatment of illnesses curable with over-the-counter medicines yes


The insurance applies to insured events that occurred on the territory of the Czech Republic and also during departures from the Czech Republic to other countries of the Schengen area.


Please contact us to order the service or for more details

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